This was an end-to-end project where I designed a new tool for building JSON packages for 3rd party website products.

The goal was to simplify and scale the current process to increase Sincro’s internal user base by 2x.


I was the lead UX Generalist on this project, where I was responsible for user research, interaction design + prototyping, and usability testing. I also facilitated co-design sessions with existing users throughout the iterative design process.


The current process to build JSON packages is long, tedious, and overly complex.

As a result, there's a peer dependency on just a handful of internal users who are trained to build JSON packages. These users are overwhelmed, and won't be able to keep up with the increasing volume of JSON package requests from 3rd party vendors.


How might we simplify and scale the JSON package creation process to increase internal participation by 2x and improve future training materials?


User Interviews

To gain context, I interviewed two internal user groups: the current users (trained, high technical proficiency), and prospective users (untrained, low technical proficiency). My goals were to learn what the current workflows were, what made the process tedious and complex, and any other barriers to building JSON packages.

Interview Insights

Research insight text


Research insight text

Comparative Analysis

One of the overarching goals of the project was to take a multi-step complex workflow and simplify it down as much as possible. That way, users can build a JSON package without needing all the training and context that was previously required. To start, I wanted to examine how other products simplified a complex ideas into successful product experiences.

I focused on comparing tax-filing software like H&R block, Turbo Tax, and TaxAct as a start. These products enable users to file their taxes with confidence and ease, without needing to be an accountant.


Design strategy

Given the technical nature of this space and process, my design strategy incorporated a participatory design process with the current users. Their knowledge and context was invaluable as we collaborated together to simplify the workflows and design a product that met their needs and relieved their pain points.

User flows

After mapping out the existing user flow, I facilitated collaborative working sessions with the current users to analyze the end-to-end flow and identify areas for improvement. This allowed us to simplify and streamline the workflows together, while giving users opportunities to directly incorporate their feedback in the design process.


I focused on the hierarchy of the flow of information for the overall process, and the layout of content content for each step.

Usability Testing

To evaluate the system's content, ease of use, and usability, I conducted 5 usability tests with untrained users as my primary participants. I also measured the SUS score of the prototype to establish a baseline metric for future design iterations.

Usability Testing Feedback

SUS Score: 87

Feedback 2

Feedback 3


Onboarding questionnaire

Users start by answering a short questionnaire to setup their package. Then, users can start building out the package by adding all relevant components.

Guided forms

Using a step-by-step form, users are able to build out each component for their package. Related topics and questions are grouped together on the same page, limiting the focus to a handful of questions at a time.

In the moment support

Where applicable, users can clarify any points of confusion through a contextual FAQ panel, where relevant information pertaining to a given page are shown.

More to come

This is currently an ongoing project. Due to my NDA, I am limited on what I am able to disclose for the final solution at this time. I will provide an update once the project has shipped and is publicly available.