This was a redesign of Sincro’s Lead Routing Management application for forms displayed on auto dealership websites.

The goal was to eliminate lead delivery issues and reduce time spent configuring or troubleshooting lead routing email destinations.


I was the lead UX Generalist on this project, where I was responsible for user research, interaction design + prototyping, and usability testing. Additionally, I was


Website form leads are a critical component in e-commerce websites. On a daily basis, Sincro's internal teams receive reports from auto dealers about lead delivery issues, such as missing or failed leads. Across Sincro's internal tools, lead routing information is often hidden, disorganized, and spread out.

As a result, users struggle to identify, troubleshoot, and resolve the lead delivery issues quickly and efficiently.


There were several business drivers that supported the Lead Routing Application redesign project, including:
1. Retire outdated code and technologies in the existing application
2. Improve dealer satisfaction through improved lead form routing management
3. Reduce failed leads through programmatic enforcement of routing rules


How might we streamline lead routing management and configuration flows to ensure leads always go to the right place, thereby increasing dealer satisfaction?


User Interviews

To gain context on the problem space and our users, I conducted 15 remote user interviews with the Tech Support and Website Implementation teams. The Tech Support team helps troubleshoot and resolve lead routing delivery issues, while the Website Implementation teams are responsible for configuring and managing lead routing email destinations.

Research goals:
‍1. What types of lead routing issues were reported, and what was causing these issues?
2. When issues arose, what did the troubleshooting and resolution process look like? Why was this time-consuming?
3. Where did breakdowns occur in the existing workflows?

Interview Insights

A majority of lead routing issues, such as missing leads, stem from outdated emails due to frequent dealership personnel changes

Lead configuration information is hidden, disorganized, and spread out across multiple platforms, making it difficult to find and access in a timely manner

Technical difficulties occur frequently, resulting in repetitious tasks and distrust in the application

Incorrect configigurations were common, due to technical difficulties from failed attempts to save configuration chagnes


Design strategy

The biggest pain points to Sincro, our internal teams, and auto dealers clients were lead delivery issues and time spent on configuration and troubleshooting tasks.

My strategy focused on consolidating information and workflows to a single application, and displaying information more visibly by default. By having only one application as the source of truth, internal teams would be able to streamline their workflows to view, configure, and troubleshoot lead routing information quickly and efficiently.


As part of my brainstorming and design review process, I created wireframes with lists of pros/cons to help communicate design rational and gain alignment on requirements.

Example workflow: change an individual form's configuration to route elsewhere

Usability testing

My research plan included usability testing with internal teams to get feedback on the proposed design changes to the flows and application.

Each participant completed 4 primary tasks:
1. Modify the routing email for a specific type of form (ex. all Sales forms)
2. Add a new email, applicable only to one type of form
3. Modify a single form's routing email (form type exception)
4. Identify all routing information for a specific form

Feedback & design changes

Feedback #1: Participants initially thought individually saving each change was time consuming.
Solution: Save and Cancel buttons were made global to the page, allowing multiple changes to be saved at once.

Feedback #2: Participants were initially confused on what “Forms with Routing Exceptions” meant, and thought the section was too hidden.
Solution: A combination of visual weight, descriptive text, and an amended title was used to increase discoverability and match user’s mental models for comprehension.


01: Set up a default routing email

By default, all lead forms will route to an email destination, ensuring that leads will never go missing

02: Set up routing by form type

Set up routing destinations for all forms of a specific type (ex. all sales forms) to make bulk configurations and save time

03: Make a routing exception; change the email destination for a single form

Change where a single form is routing, so it does not deliver to the default email configurations


This product launched in 2022 Q2 to Sincro's autodealer clients. Check out the product feature article or the youtube video.

After releasing the product, the team conducted several follow-up research studies and compared the metrics between the old and new applications.

Some quick insights with the new application:
1. Time study: ~50% reduction in task completion time
2. Lead delivery: ~70% reduction in routing delivery issues